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SEO Training in Kenya
Enroll Today on SEO Training in Kenya.
Get Started on SEO Training in Kenya
We offer SEO Training in Kenya Google loves you when everyone else loves you. Google, Microsoft Edge and other engines have always focused on the user. This is why so many websites get caught out trying to trick search engines. We follow the search engine approved approach by only teaching user-friendly SEO.
After attending our Basic SEO Training, you will be able to: Show an understanding of current SEO best practice. Develop an SEO plan for your website. Monitor your SEO progress and maintain your optimized website.
SEO Training Course in Kenya Reliable for Businesses
Course Curriculum & Objectives
Introduction to SEO
Importance of Search Engines, How search engines work, understanding the SERP, Search Engine Algorithms, Page Rank Technology
On Page SEO
On page optimization fundamentals, Meta-Descriptions, Page Titles, URL Structures, Internal Linking, User Experience, Informationt Architecture
Keyword Research & Analysis
Introduction to Keyword Research, Business Analysis, Keyword Analysis Tools, Competition Analysis, Preparing a keyword list, Localized Keyword Research, Localized keyword Research ,Types of keywords, Localized keyword research.
Optimization Tools
Page speed Optimization Tools, Cache Tools, Optimizing SEO Content Tools, Keyword Density Analysis Tools, Google Page Rank Tools
Off Page Optimization
Submission to search engines, promoting sub-sequent pages of the website, Link -building methodology, types of link building , free link vs paid link, video optimization, forum signatures & guest commenting, free classifieds and forums, forum signatures and commenting.
Directory Submission for SEO
Social book marking , local business listing, classifieds postings, using blogs for SEO and blog commenting, URL shortening tools, SEO for WordPress, SEO for Joomla, Difference between dynamic and static sites, SEO for blogpost, Article, Image and Video Submission
Advanced SEO Strategy
Setting goals and objectives for SEO, Advanced SEO tactics, Google Analytics and webmaster tools, SEO audits and essential SEO Tools, carrying out a content audit.
Google Algorithms & SEO Trends
Google algorithm updates, Brand authority, Online PR and outreach, Semantic search and the Knowledge Graph, Content Strategy, Content marketing, Content promotion, Social media and SEO, Local SEO and Mobile SEO.
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SEO Course.
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